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Wodson Park
Saturday, July 19th, 2014 k/o 15:00
1st Team Friendly


Comments :
Match no. 1147. Having watched Wodson Park play a pre-season friendly on the back pitch at Wodson Park Sports Centre with a 2.30pm kick-off, it was a simple matter to walk the very short distance to Ware's Wodson Park ground to see the last half-hour or so of this friendly v. PBT. When we arrived Ware were leading 1-0 but, astonishingly, there were 7 more goals scored in the time left. No evidence that a programme was produced for this game.

DT92 Members at this game: (you can click here to load your profile picture)
Match no. 1147. Having watched Wodson Park play a pre-season friendly on the back pitch at Wodson Park Sports Centre with a 2.30pm kick-off, it was a simple matter to walk the very short distance to Ware's Wodson Park ground to see the last half-hour or so of this friendly v. PBT. When we arrived Ware were leading 1-0 but, astonishingly, there were 7 more goals scored in the time left. No evidence that a programme was produced for this game.
Match no. 270.
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